Thursday, October 31, 2013

RL 6.6 - RI 6.6 Station Information (Math Conference)

Essential Skills/Concepts Related to RL/RI 6.6
Point of View

·         A NARRATOR IS a person who tells a story.

·         The narrator may be one of the characters in the story, so readers learn what happened from that character’s point of view.

·         This is called the first-person point of view. The narrator uses words like I, me, my, we, and our.

1st Person Example # 1
As soon as I walked into the room, I could tell something was wrong with my computer. I took off my coat and sat down.

1st Person Example #2
As soon as Maria and I walked into the room, we could tell something was wrong with our computer. I took off my coat and sat down.

·         Sometimes the narrator isn’t a character in the story, but just someone looking in from the outside and reporting what happened.

·         This is called the third person point of view. The narrator uses words like he, she, they, and their.

3rd Person Example
As soon as Maria and Mark walked into the room, they could tell something was wrong with their computer. She took off her coat, hung it up, and sat down.

·         There is a second-person point of view, but it’s not used very often in literature.

·         The narrator talks directly to a character in the story and uses words like you and your.

2nd Person Example
As soon as you walk into the room, you can tell something is wrong with the computer. You take off your coat, hang it up, and sit down.

·         Literary works most commonly use either first- or third-person points of view.

·         Using a second-person point of view to tell a story tends to get tiresome.

·         So second-person is used more for giving directions, in personal letters, and sometimes in advertisements.

Essential Skills/Concepts Related to RL/RI 6.6
Author’s Purpose

AN AUTHOR’S PURPOSE is why he or she wrote something. It might be to:

• inform readers.

Informative Example
Every president except George Washington has lived in the White House. However, Washington did help design the building.

• teach readers how to do something.

Teaching Example
To do a waltz jump, take off from the outside edge of one skate, make a half turn, and land on the outside edge of the other blade.

• entertain or amuse readers.

Entertaining Example
The cat leaped just as Pam came in with a bowl of milk. Pam went down and the milk went up and then down, on her head!

·         persuade readers to do something.

Persuasive Example
Good citizens donate old clothes to charity. It may be hard to give up a favorite outgrown sweater, but we have needy people in our community. Why not let your old sweater keep another kid warm this winter instead of hanging it in the back of your closet?

·         Sometimes an author has more than one purpose, such as wanting to inform readers but be entertaining at the same time!

·         To identify an author’s purpose, ask yourself questions like:
o   Did I find out something new?
o   Did I learn how to do something?
o   How did this make me feel happy, sad, scared, or excited?
o   Did the author try to get me to do something or think a certain way?

Extension Activity for RL 6.6

·         Rewrite a scene from The Absolute Value from the viewpoint or perspective of one of the characters that we have previously studied (for example - Freak, Mike, Tony, Joel, Jonas, Petra, and Calder). 

·         You do not have to select a major character, you can also select a minor character if you would prefer. 

 Extension Activity for RI 6.6

·         Create a Point of View or Author’s Purpose Game based on the article (in your folder).

·         Be sure to include:
o   Directions
o   Rules
o   # of Participants
o   Materials/Supplies/Equipment

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